Dogtap - the dog tag for sick dogs
You wonder why our digital dog tag Dogtap is especially suitable for sick dogs? Then you've come to the right place - because we'll explain to you the advantages of our dog tag for sick dogs and how you can optimally protect your sick dog with our dog tag.
It's bad enough if the dog runs away. But it is even worse if your dog is sick or old and dependent on medication. If your dog is found, the potential finder will unfortunately have no idea about possible vital drugs that need to be given to your dog.
This can be changed by Dogtap: With our digital dog tag it is possible to store all data and information about your dog in your dog online profile. There you can not only enter your vet or phone number - but also the medication your dog may need to take and the diseases he suffers from. By scanning the dog tag on his smartphone, a finder knows immediately what to look out for with your dog. This way you can be sure that your dog is safe and that all important information about him can be known by a finder.
Now you have an overview of why our digital dog tag is particularly suitable for sick dogs. You can easily put information on your dogtap about illnesses, medications your dog needs to take, and contact information for you or your vet. Finders receive all important information about your possibly ill dog and can therefore take care of him in the best possible way.
Curious? Many interesting facts about our Dogtap await you: