No NFC-enabled smartphone? No problem with our QR code!
On our website you will read that our dog tags are NFC-enabled. However, if you have a smartphone that is not NFC-enabled you do not need to worry, because we have a good alternative for that situation!
We provided our Dogtap with an individual Qr code at the back, which can be scanned in order to see the data. Your loyal companion, large or small, can have his own Dogtap and you do not need to worry whether it is can be read out or not. As long as you have a smartphone that will be possible. The QR code on our Dogtap offers you the possibility to view and change all information and data of your dog.
Why don't you try it out for yourself?
In addition to QR, our dog tag has many other advantages: Read the articles below if you are interested in our Dogtap: