Register Dog

Register and create a profile for your dog

We are very happy that you have chosen our Dogtap!

In the following we will give you an overview of how to proceed when you have received your first Dogtap and would like to activate it. In three easy steps you can get your Dogtap ready for your dog.

But, if you still have any questions about our Dogtap after reading these instructions, please contact us! We will try to answer all your questions as best as we can. Below you will also find the most frequently asked questions about registering and creating a dog profile. Why don't you stop by there?

However, if you were not lucky enough to receive your own Dogtap by now, click below to get one.

Receive Dogtap now

Register Dog
Register Dog

1. Step - Register

Before you can create your dog's profile, you must activate your Dogtap and register first. Activate the NFC function of your smartphone to scan your Dogtap. Depending on the smartphone model, your smartphone's NFC chip is integrated in a different location. If your phone is not NFC-enabled, you can also scan the QR code of the Dogtap.

Now the tap21 web portal is called automatically. There you will first be asked to register. The registration process is similar to common registration processes. You will be asked to leave your e-mail and to think of a password that is as secure as possible. Afterwards you will receive an activation link to the specified e-mail. In your e-mail portal you will now be asked to click this link to activate your email for tap21. After the activation you can log in on tap21 with your e-mail address and your chosen password.

2. Step - Create dog profile

Now that you have registered successfully, you can create a profile for your pet. Under "My Taps" you wil find a list of your Dogtaps. Click on "Edit Dogtap" to create a dog profile.

There you get the possibility to store different information about your dog like his name, his gender, his chip number or your phone number. You are free to decide what information you want to store. You can also choose whether your contact information should be visible or not. Even if you do not want your data to be visible, a finder can contact you if he finds your dog. If you are satisfied with the dog profile, you should save it.

Register Dog
Register Dog

3. Step - Equip your dog

Your Dogtap is now ready for your dog. Just attach it to your dog's collar or harness and test it out directly. To retrieve your dog's data, just scan the Dogtap with your smartphone and you will see your dog's profile.

You also have the possibility to edit your dog's data. Sign up quickly and get started!

If you have any questions, check out the FAQs. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dogtap - in 3 Schritten zur Verwendung bereit


  • Wie kann ich meinen Dogtap zurücksetzen?

    Du möchtest Deinen Dogtap zurücksetzen, um ihn neu zu verknüpfen oder einem anderen Account zuzuordnen? Das Zurücksetzen ist nur über den Support möglich, damit die Taps nicht aus Versehen gelöscht werden. Jedem Dogtap ist ein individueller Link zugeordnet, der ihn identifiziert.

    Diesen Link findest Du in der Browserleiste und er sieht etwa so aus:
    Sehen kannst du ihn, wenn du deinen Dogtap direkt scannst oder dich in deinem Account einloggst. Du wählst den gewünschten Dogtap aus und gelangst zum neuen Fenster mit dem dazugehörigen Profil. Bist du einmal im Profil Deiner Fellnase, siehst du den individuellen Link in der Browserleiste.

    Kopiere und schicke den Link, deinen Account Namen und deine Account E-Mail an unseren Support ( Wir bearbeiten deine Anfrage so schnell es geht und melden uns bei Fragen und/oder erfolgreich zurückgesetztem Dogtap.

  • Can I have several dogtaps for one dog?

    Yes, of course. Upon activation you will be asked whether you would like to combine your new dogtap with an already existing dog profile or if you would like to create a new dog profile.

  • Do I need an app to edit the dog profile?

    No, you do not need an app. Either you scan the dogtap and then log in to the Tap21 web portal or you call Tap21 directly in the browser of your computer. There you can select the corresponding dog profile under "My Taps" and edit it.

  • How do I scan my Dogtap correctly, to read out the stored data?

    There are two ways to scan your dog tag with a smartphone or a tablet: with NFC or with a QR Code. If you would like to use NFC, you should enable NFC on your phone. You also need to know how to scan a NFC tag with your smartphone. Click here to learn more about that. You also need to consider that the scanning process of a NFC tag depends on the operating system of your device. For iOS you usually need an app, in order to be able to scan a NFC tag. Look here, to get an overview on the differences of scanning. For iOS11 we offer a free NFC-Reader App in the appstore. You can download it by clicking on this link. Now, you should be able to scan your Dogtap by holding it against the backside of your smartphone. You will now be redirected to your Tap21 dog profile.

    Alternatively, you can scan the QR code which is engraved on the Dogtap. Therefore, you will need an app. After scanning the QR code you will automatically be directed to Tap21.

  • Where can I see or edit my dog's profile?

    There are two ways to view / edit your dog's profile. You can either log directly into the tap21 webportal or you can scan your dog's Dogtap with your smartphone. After scanning you will be automatically redirected to the tap21 web portal. There you can go under "My Taps" and see your dog's profile or edit the data.

  • I did not receive an activation link - what now?

    The activation link will be send to the e-mail address you provided. First check, if the activation e-mail is in your spam folder by mistake. Alternatively, you can request the activation link again. Make sure you have entered the correct e-mail address.

  • How do I register?

    Click on "Sign up" on our web portal Then enter your e-mail address and choose a secure password. You will then receive an activation link to the e-mail address you provided. If you click on this link, your e-mail address will be activated and you can log in.

  • Where can I register?

    You can register on our webportal Either type into the browser of your smartphone or computer or scan your Dogtap to be redirected to tap21 automatically. There you can either log in or register.

  • How can I link two Dogtaps together?

    The linking of two dogtaps leads to them pointing to the same dog profile and thus share the data. So you do not have to enter everything again for the new Dogtap.

    The linking of two dogtaps can be done in three steps:

    •     Scan the dogtap normally to activate it. To do this, log in with the account that is already used for the existing dogtap.
    •     Select "Connect to existing dog profile".
    •     From the list of existing dog profiles, select the desired one to connect the new dogtap to it.

    Afterwards all Dogtaps show the same profile and the data only has to be entered once.

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