What makes Dogtap a smart dog tag?

According to the Duden dictionary, intelligence is "the ability to think abstractly and rationally and to derive purposeful action from this". Dogtap is not quite that intelligent (yet). But what makes it at least significantly more intelligent than conventional dog tags? We would like to show you by means of problem situations in which Dogtap can offer you a simple solution.
1st problem situation
It would not be good for your dog to be in the care of someone who does not know how to look after him. For example, because your dog is allergic to certain food or needs vital medication. The information content on conventional dog tags (e.g. a telephone number) is therefore not enough.
The solution with Dogtap: A comprehensive profile about your dog is stored on the Dogtap, which you can fill with all important information. Of course, it is up to you to decide what this information is!
2. problem situation
The information about you and your dog is constantly changing. Maybe you have changed your phone number many times, or you sometimes leave your dog in the care of other people? On conventional dog tags, information can no longer be changed.
The solution with Dogtap: All the information you save in your dog's profile can be changed at any time. From home or on the road! So if something changes with you or your dog, it's no problem at all. This way, the Dogtap can accompany you and your dog throughout his life.
3rd problem situation
An emergency occurs and your dog runs away. Here the problem situations are of course quite variable, but one thing is certain: your dog's safety may depend on the favour of a kind finder. Many problems can arise: If your dog is injured or not so easy to transport, it is especially difficult for the finder to find you as the owner. He cannot simply take your dog to the vet to have the chip read out. And what if he does not know about such great measures as Tasso and chip for the dog? Widely used by dog owners, but not necessarily known by non-dog owners. With Dogtap, a finder can identify and contact you as the owner at any time and in any place!
The solution with Dogtap: Dogtap "talks" to the finder and shows him what to do based on clear imprints (instructions, QR code). The finder can also easily read the Dogtap using his own smartphone and contact the holder on the spot. No special reader is needed, as is the case for the chip, for example.
4. problem situation
You are often abroad and are worried that German protection measures are not known. What happens if the dog escapes? How can you protect yourself additionally?
The solution with Dogtap: If the Dogtap is read out with a non-German smartphone, all information of the platform (on which the dog profile of your dog is stored) is automatically output in English. In addition, you can also enter your holiday accommodation on the Dogtap, so that you can make sure that you are always available on site. Note: Your entered information will of course not be translated automatically, you would have to do that yourself].
We hope that these examples have shown you why the Dogtap digital dog tag is rightly called an "intelligent dog tag". Not least because the Dogtap combines two great technologies in itself (NFC and QR) and thus brings many advantages.