DogTap User Experience Update

In our TAP21 portal you can easily register your selected dogtap and fill the online dog profile of your loyal companion with all desired contact information for you and your dog. It is up to you which contact data you enter into the dog profile. You don't want potential finders to have access to your private phone number? That is not a problem! Because you can decide individually which data and information should be made visible for the finder when scanning the dogtap and which should be made inaccessible.
Of course it is also possible to have several dogtaps for your dog. You can easily link them to your dog's existing online profile without having to create several separate profiles. For example, it is possible to have both the Dogtap Solid and the Dogtap Light or even several Dogtaps in different color variations.
From some of our active Dogtap users we got the feedback that the activation process sometimes turns out to be misleading. We wanted to counteract this. Therefore, we have developed a new update to improve the process and to make it clearer for the users. This update makes the activation process as a whole more structured and simpler than before.
You don't know how to merge your dogtaps in the TAP21 portal? Don't panic, because the merging of several dogtaps is now better explained for the users.
In addition, the color of your selected dogtap is now automatically recognized and used in the dog profile. For example, if your dogtap is green, it will be recognized by the system so that your dogtap will also be green in the dog profile.
Furthermore, it was important to us to also make the backend of the dog profile clearer. An optimal solution was also found for this and the backend now looks more descriptive.
In summary one can say: Your individual feedback is important to us!
Your opinion will influence new functions in the future. We take great care that the application options of the TAP21 profile suit you and are understandable. We want you to be satisfied with your dogtap and adapt our functions to your wishes. Because with every update your digital dog tag will automatically become even better.